The hill

   It was very hard for Daisy a little banana who had just turned fourteen. To be patient and wait for her birthday surprise.Her mom then calls her into her room and announce that her and her whole family are going on a family road trip to San Francisco. Where they will stay with her aunt,uncle and cousins who had boughten everyone tickets to visit Alcatraz the lonely lil island out in the bay.she has the one whole day to spend on herself while they are in the big city. Daisy really enjoys skateboarding back at her hometown Santa Maria so Daisy comes up with the idea mind is visiting skate parks Her mom didn’t like The idea that Daisy Skate because she was a banana and Bananas bruise easily Daisy Sneaky leaves the house while everybody is making dinner and go skating with her cousin her cousin showed her around all the steep hills And fun Skate parks on the way home they walk up a very steep hill and when they get to the top daisies nervous and scared she doesn’t want to go down there but her cousin encourages her to because she went down the other pills like nothing so Daisy A tamps it and of course Phils she panics and jumps off his skateboard and start running down this very steep hill she doesn’t know how to stop herself so she keeps on running it till she trips and falls she tumbles and tumbles and Slide till she gets to the bottom she gets up like nothing and noticed there’s blood everywhere Daisy


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