Dynamic character essay

    In Les Misérables there are many characters.But there is one character that stands out the most And that’s Jean Valjean.What makes this character stand out so much is through out the book as you read.You get to notice Jean Valjean is a dynamic character.Due to all the changes he goes through trying to change himself and become a better person.Then what people know of him because his past.
     In the beginning of Les Misérables the character Jean Valjean,makes a decision.To steal a loaf of bread For his starving sister and her children.He ends up getting caught and being sent to prison.He was look down upond he was judged he was nothing but a fugitive.
     Jean Valjean Want to change and that’s exactly what happened.As soon as he got out of prison.He left where he was no longer known as a criminal. That’s when he met the bishop, who believes in giving people second chances.The bishop took care of Jean Val Jean. Providing food and shelter.
    Yeah Jean Val Jean still has the nerve to steal from the bishop. The bishop eventually notice and Jean Val Jean was caught. He was now even more determined to change.He was then introduced to woman who he Eventually promised he will take care of her daughter Cosette.From that day he became the protector of closet he takes on the role of people being her father until she is old enough to marry.Jean Val Jean passes away is a happy man.
   Overall team version shows that people can change. He proves The people who judged Him and didn’t believe he can change wrong. He became a changed man, and made a point that he was not a criminal people thought he was.


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